Would be nice if I could set the timezone
We would like to be able to see analytics for this platform.
It would be really useful if we could post to Facebook groups.
a simple way to track each week that you’ve posted, and a motivator to keep to a consistent posting habit.
I would be nice to be able to import our ready made design from Canva
I would like to get notified when I've runned out of post in my scheduled queue
Add the ability to post instagram images
Seems like since this account might have access to lots of social accounts we should have multi factor authentication? Is this available?
I would like to be able to save presets for the times I post regularly, so that I can save even more time when scheduling posts
I would like to be able to import my images and from google drive
Add the ability to use images from unsplash.
Add the ability to work with a team
I'd like to have a place where I can see all the images that i have uploaded so far.
Some of us owls, prefer to work at night 😝
Can we refer people we know and get a kick-back for it 🙂?
Add better preview for post depending on the social platform it's going to be published on
Better support for mobile editing and creating scheduled post.
I would like to be able to make draft post and see them until I decide a time when to publish them
Schedule your pinterest posts
Launch v1 of Postbar